Saturday, July 9, 2011

Grand day!!

I've eaten well, just at 1200 calories for the day.  My potassium intake is low, but considering that I'm always low and am now trying to raise it, I'm not too bummed.  I've eaten everything fresh today- cherries, watermelon, peas, spinach, onions. tomatoes... well, relish isn't... grilled burgers are good... and the 2 oreo's I snuck were worth it.

My husband and I are going for a romantic twilight walk on the canyon rim later this evening.  Not sure how romantic it is, last time we walked it we some some kids crawl down and when we pat it we both said "we just inhaled!"  We giggled and called down that they were being naughty.  (Oh, and the "kids" were probably early 20's... I'm getting so old!!)

Good Saturday-- it's been awhile.

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