I can't believe it's December... and this year started out great, and after summer went downhill. I'm at my highest weight in a long, long, LONG time. I was almost in tears when I saw the number blinking up at me. But it's there and it is what it is. No one's fault but my own.
But today I start over. I found my logbook. I found my journal. I found my stash of nail polish. So after I make this post, I'm going to paint my toes so they are pretty again. It's funny, a bit, that I've always been a person who liked pretty painted toes. However, I haven't cared since September... and it shows.
So little by little, I'm getting myself back in line.
Starting with my toes.
Here's hoping for an awesome end to 2012, and to a great beginning as 2013 approaches.