Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Over a pound!

It's been a long time since I've lost over a pound.  I didn't keep my "big" loss, but I did keep a 1.4 pound loss.  YAY!!! 

My son told me last night, we had a salad for dinner (think mega, with sunflower seed, broc, cauli, tomaters, croutons, turkey, etc, etc) that he missed having salads.  I'm so glad that he does love his veggies.  We don't hav esalads for dinner much, my husband doesn't like veggies AT ALL.  But now that he's on nights, we can have them more often- and the consensus is- have them!

I'm catching up on Biggest Loser today.  Watched only some of both shows...  what I saw was a lot of changes already-- will be interesting to see what I have missed... 


daniii♥ said...

1.4lbs is fantastic! Keep up the great work!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your loss! and thanks for your comment!!