Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Quick stab in the balloon of moto

All day I was working hard. Getting steps in, made up a training plan, printed plan, kept a calorie count... prepared myself for my exercise video I would do when Mr. & N-kid go to hunter's safety.

Then I came home.

Mr. was laid off.
2nd time in less than a year.
He's only been back full time since right before Christmas.


I want to eat, lay in bed and cry. The girl scout cookie orders all came in today (3 girls from work, ordered from all 3. Plans were to freeze most.) and I want them. All.

Stress-eater is coming out. I will fight, but my money-fight-i-ness is almost gone. We could very well not pull out of this one... we've exhausted everything we had last time... and we did it. I don't know how much more we can float and paddle.

The envelope for registration for the last post... is on hold on Frida (our fridge.) I'm so bummed at that too....

1 comment:

KK @ Running Through Life said...

Ah, I am sorry. Stress eating is hard. I struggle with this as well. Good luck!