Summer of 2014 was intense. It all started with me, we'd found out, via all things, exercise, that my Achilles was behaving badly. I didn't want surgery until I absolutely had to- and in the spring of 2014, I knew it was time. Walking hurt and my limp was significant. An updated x-ray showed that the growth had changed. The MRI proved that I had no cartilage in most of my foot- the other foot most likely the same. Doc J wasn't sure how the surgery was going to proceed- but he's figured it would be an hour. Surgery was scheduled for June 4th, the last week of school, purposely done because he wanted me off it for 3 months. This way I would be ready to go back to work/school.

Then in May my husband's heart murmur, which he's had his entire life, decided to behave badly as well. His appointment, which we didn't think I needed to be there for, as I was saving all my time, ended with a "you need to have surgery now. Cath lab and begging "can't it wait until October," didn't work in our favor. They wanted it the 20th of May. Husband pushed it back, because of my surgery, which I'd planned on pushing back. But, secretly, I think he just didn't want his birthday to be spent in the hospital. His surgery was schedule less than 2 weeks after mine.
My surgery ended up being just over 2 hours. The removed a significant amount of my Achilles and then a section of tendon from my foot to rebuild it. Doc J promised to send me a picture of him (I begged to keep it, but was told every time- no.) He did text it to me and it was amazing.
The Hubs mom lives in the same town we do. My mom came up from my hometown in Texas to help as well, arriving just 3 days after my surgery. Hubs and I were a hot mess. My mom took care of me and the house, while Hubs mom took him to appt's and his actual surgery. I had a post op appt the morning of his surgery. I couldn't walk, he couldn't lift. His scars healed faster and prettier than mine. Today, 6 months out, you would never know he'd been opened however, I still have a limp and am recovering slowly.
I remember how scared we were, it was a tough summer. My body reacted to the stress and pain by sucking on the pounds, 30 to be exact. But, I'm not scared anymore, at least in the same way. Instead, I am scared that my body is going to backfire on me. I've been so naughty to it and I need to stop. I've noticed that I am not feeling good most of the time and I hate that feeling. It's time to take back my life. I do have 6 more months before I'm released, so I will be careful. But, I am going to take a stand and make sure I am more in the moment with what I am doing.